Friday, February 28, 2014

Therapy at home

We have GREAT news this week, Julia started Physical Therapy at home.  Julia has been traveling to Weisman Rehab (one hour each way) for PT.  Julia has been on the waiting list for the Early Intervention program for four months.  Julia will now be receiving eight therapy sessions per month at home. She will be getting Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Developmental Therapy and Family Training with Mommy.

Julia sitting in her new therapy room and Loving it!

My husband and I have turned out basement into a therapy room for Julia.  For her Physical Therapy we have tunnels, tents, therapy balls, trampoline, bean bags and a therapy bike.

Julia going through the tunnel.

Julia on her little Therapy Ball.

Julia jumping on the trampoline.

Julia in her tent.

For OT we have puzzles, lacing activities, paints, coloring books, crayons, markers and we will be working on sensory things as well.  I would love to get her an indoor water/sand table.

1 comment:

  1. Julia, sweetie... I think this is TOTALLY AWESOME!! I'm always praying and hoping that you'll be feeling better soon!! <3 <3
