Friday, February 28, 2014

Therapy at home

We have GREAT news this week, Julia started Physical Therapy at home.  Julia has been traveling to Weisman Rehab (one hour each way) for PT.  Julia has been on the waiting list for the Early Intervention program for four months.  Julia will now be receiving eight therapy sessions per month at home. She will be getting Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Developmental Therapy and Family Training with Mommy.

Julia sitting in her new therapy room and Loving it!

My husband and I have turned out basement into a therapy room for Julia.  For her Physical Therapy we have tunnels, tents, therapy balls, trampoline, bean bags and a therapy bike.

Julia going through the tunnel.

Julia on her little Therapy Ball.

Julia jumping on the trampoline.

Julia in her tent.

For OT we have puzzles, lacing activities, paints, coloring books, crayons, markers and we will be working on sensory things as well.  I would love to get her an indoor water/sand table.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Cat Scan

Thank you to everyone that has been praying for Julia lately.  We have felt the prayers and greatly appreciate them.  On January 13, 2014, Julia had a spinal MRI done and the report came back that Julia's hips are asymmetrical, they couldn't find her left ovary, and there was an unusual fat accumulation near her colon.  Therefore, CHOP recommended Julia get an ultrasound done on her pelvic region and stomach.  The Ultrasound was very unclear and the doctors could not see anything conclusive.  Therefore, Julia's Pediatrician decided that a CAT scan would be the best way to go, to get a clearer picture.  Julia's doctor really didn't want to put her under another test since she has been through so many in the past nine months such as a brain MRI, Spinal MRI, Lumbar Puncture, EEG, ultrasound and now a CAT scan. The doctor called me today and the results came back and everything is ok for now.  Thank you so much for your prayers.

Yesterday I was trying to prepare Julia for the CAT scan. I told her that she was going to have a CAT scan done because the doctor wanted pictures of her belly.  Well, all Julia understood in that was the word "CAT".  For those of you who don't know Julia well, she is scared to death of cats for some reason.  She said they are going to put a cat on my belly.  My son and I just cracked up laughing.  Julia's face was priceless.

Today on the way to get the CAT scan done, Julia and her brother asked to listen to their music in the car.  The kids are in the back seat singing away.  Then Julia says, " Mommy, I am strong and I am not going to cry".  She knew she was going in for a test and it was going to be a challenge but she was going to be strong and brave.  I love my little girl so much, she is so strong.  No matter what you are facing in your life just remember God is with you.  

Here is the song that my kids love and was playing in the car on the way to get Julia's CAT scan today.

Therapy update and Valentine's Day

Julia was approved for Physical Therapy in August 2013 and was receiving PT in our home until October 2013.  However, at the end of October Julia's PT left Early Intervention and Julia's PT stopped.   Julia's Dr and Early Intervention team recommended that Julia continue PT.  At the time, there were no PT available in our area so once a week Julia was scheduled to go to Washington Twp, an hour away for PT.  On Friday morning, I received a phone call that Julia will be receiving PT in our home through Early Intervention 1x a week.  Praise God, that is a huge help for Mommy.  Julia will now be receiving therapy 8x a month in our home.  The therapy that Julia receives are PT, OT, Developmental therapy and Family Traning each month.

Julia had fun making and sending Valentines cards this year.  

Mommy and Julia worked on OT Sensory stuff and made some Valentine's pictures.

Julia hopes everyone had a good Valentine's and is sending you her love.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Julia had an MRI on her spine at CHOP on Tuesday January 27, 2014.  Julia couldn't have anything to eat after midnight the night before so she was very hungry by the time we arrived at CHOP at 11:30 for her MRI.  When he arrived at CHOP the volunteers came around and gave Julia a Lightening Mcqueen coloring activity.  Than when Mommy was getting her visitors badge, the 2 kind ladies there gave Julia a big purple balloon.  Purple is Julia's favorite color and purple seemed to be the color of the day for her.  Julia wear a purple Minnie Skirt outfit to the hospital, than she got a purple balloon.  The nurses put Julia in the purple room and she also wore purple Pj's in the hospital.  It was quite a "purple day" for Julia.

Julia doing so well getting her blood pressure checked.

Julia  and Molly dressed and ready for sedation.

Wisher and Dreamers made the hospital gown for "Holly"

Julia is such a trooper.

Mommy little superhero.  Julia came out of sedation very rough.  This is Julia's 3rd sedation in 8 months and she came out of this one the hardest.  Julia couldn't take her medicine all day which caused her to have "dystonic storms".  Julia's MRI results came in and she needs to get an pelvic ultrasound this week to check on something.  Please keep Julia in your prayers.