Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Julia's new Blanket

Thank you for everyone who has donated to Julia's Medical fund and also everyone who came out to Julia's benefit dinner.  One of Julia's therapist highly recommended that we buy Julia a weighted blanket.  You might say, what is a weighted blanket.  Well, a weighted blanket is a blanket that is filled with poly pellets and weighs 5lbs.  The blanket will help add  deep pressure to Julia's body and especially her legs.  The Dystonia makes Julia's legs spasm, which causes her legs to hurt especially at night.  Have you ever had a charlie horse?  Well Julia's spasms are worse than a charlie horse and very painful. Here is an example of what dystonia does to Julia's muscles.

When we purchased Julia's weighted blanket, we also received a FREE Weighted vest. Julia receives Occupational Therapy 2x a month for her sensory issues.  The vest can be filled with weight, beans, poly pellets or anything to help Julia get the deep pressure that her body needs.

                                 Julia loves her new Princess Weighted Blanket.

Julia taking a nap with her blanket.

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