Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Julia Therapy

Julia Kate is currently receiving Developmental and Occupational Therapy from Early Intervention.  Julia is currently getting Physical Therapy at Weisman Children's Rehabilitation Hospital in Sewell, NJ.

Julia doing some OT Therapy

Julia's Snowmen Feet

Julia went to CHOP and was fitted for a medical stroller.  She is in the 97% for her height and will not be fitting in a regular stroller much longer.  Early Intervention recommended Julia get a medical stroller since she fatigues so easily and is unable to walk long distances.  The medical stroller will take about 3 months to come in.  Julia will be getting the 12" EZ Rider medical stroller in her favorite color purple.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Jumping Julia Kate T-Shirts

We are selling T-shirts to show Julia our love and support.  The T-shirts are only $10.00 each and come in grey, white, light pink and light blue.  The T-shirts can be ordered from kid sizes to Adult XL and 2x-4x is extra.

You can order online with Paypal or credit card.  If there is a size you would like that is not listed please email me at jumpingjuliakate@gmail.com.
